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果肉系列 更生13次,此次2500岁的“玄机博士”终于造成女性了
发布日期:2024-09-27 04:56    点击次数:114

果肉系列 更生13次,此次2500岁的“玄机博士”终于造成女性了

英国长命科幻电视剧《玄机博士》(Doctor Who)终于迎来了首位女性博士饰演者。据英国播送公司报谈,英国演员朱迪•惠特克将出演第13任博士(the Doctor)。由于此前12位博士饰演者均为男性果肉系列,此次换角在剧迷中激发一些争议。


Jodie Whittaker has been announced as Doctor Who's 13th Time Lord - the first woman to be given the role. 朱迪•惠特克已被秘书为《玄机博士》的第13位工夫领主,她是首位饰演该变装的女性。





The new Doctor's identity was revealed in a trailer broadcast at the end of the Wimbledon men's singles final. 温网男单决赛铁心后播出的一则预报片揭晓了新任博士的身份。

The Broadchurch star succeeds Peter Capaldi, who took over the role in 2013 and leaves in the forthcoming Christmas special. 彼得•卡帕尔蒂的变装由《小镇疑团》中的女演员惠特克接替。卡帕尔蒂于2013年出演博士,并在行将播出的圣诞特辑中退场。


Whittaker, 35, said it was "overwhelming, as a feminist" to become the next Doctor. 35岁的惠特克称,“算作别称女权方针者”,她“无法不屈”成为下一任博士。

She will make her debut on the sci-fi show when the Doctor regenerates in the Christmas special. 惠特克将在圣诞节特辑博士更生时初次亮相。

The Huddersfield-born star will find a familiar face for her on set - Doctor Who's new showrunner is Broadchurch creator Chris Chibnall. 惠特克在剧中会遭受一个熟东谈主——《小镇疑团》的编剧克里斯•奇布诺尔,亦然《玄机博士》的新制作主谈主。

Whittaker said: "I'm beyond excited to begin this epic journey - with Chris and with every Whovian on this planet. 惠特克称:“或者和克里斯以及全天下的剧迷们一谈开启这段前所未有的旅程,让我感到无比高亢。”


"It's more than an honor to play the Doctor. It means remembering everyone I used to be, while stepping forward to embrace everything the Doctor stands for: hope. I can't wait." “饰演博士不单是是一种荣誉,还意味着我要在记取以前的每个‘我方’的同期,还要去拥抱博士身上所代表的但愿。我也曾迫不足待了。”

Dedicated Whovians were quick to react to the news of Jodie Whittaker taking over the Tardis. 《玄机博士》的诚实剧迷们很快对朱迪•惠特克掌管工夫机器的音书作念出了反映。

On social media, some said it would encourage them to watch the show for the first time - but others said the casting meant they would be switching off, and that the Doctor should be played by a man. 酬酢媒体上,有东谈主称这个音书让他们成为新剧迷,然则另一些东谈主则以为,惠特克参演意味着他们将弃剧,博士应该由男性来饰演。

Carla Joanna tweeted to say that she would be tuning in and that the trailer "made me choke up a little". Another tweeter, Ayad, said: "I don't even watch Doctor Who but a woman doctor is so cool." 卡拉•乔安娜在推特上说,她会收看节目,而预报片让她“有点哽噎”。另一位推特用户阿亚德称:“我根底不看《玄机博士》,然则一位女博士太酷了。”


But Samantha Melton said: "I am a woman and a feminist but I don't want a female Doctor. To me it's trying too hard to tick the boxes." 不外萨曼莎•梅尔顿说:“我是别称女性,亦然女权方针者,然则我不但愿看到女博士,对我而言这太难领受了。”





Doctor Who writer Jenny Colgan, who has written for the series' books and audio dramas, said: "I am of course incredibly excited the new Doctor is a woman; Steven Moffat has been paving the way for this for ages and it is absolutely about time. I can't imagine what it's like for Jodie: she must be so scared and excited all at once, but I couldn't be happier, and 100% can't wait to write for her." 《玄机博士》的编剧珍妮•科尔根为该剧的典籍和播送剧创作脚本。她示意:“新任博士是别称女性让我至极高亢。史蒂文•莫法特也曾为此铺垫很潜入,当今时机完全熏陶了。我无法念念象惠特克当今是什么脸色:她一定既褊狭又快活,但我险些太欢跃了,完全迫不足待念念为她创作。”


Will Howells, who writes for the Doctor Who magazine and has been a fan for 25 years, said: "In 2017, there shouldn't be anything major about a TV series changing from a male lead to a female one. 威尔•豪威尔斯是《玄机博士》杂志的撰稿东谈主,亦然该剧25年的粉丝,他说:“在2017年,一部电视结合剧的男主角被换成女主角不应该有什么大问题。”

"I don't think it's a risky choice at all - but if a show that can go anywhere and do anything can't take risks, what can?" “我不以为这是个冒险的聘请,然则如若连一部电视剧齐不行目田发展、不行尝试冒险,那么还有什么不错呢?”

Actress Olivia Colman, who starred in a Doctor Who episode and was one of the possible candidates for the role, said it was a "classy decision". 女演员奥莉薇娅•柯尔曼曾在《玄机博士》某集结出演,算作该变装也曾的候选东谈主之一,她说这是一个“漂亮的决定”。

"The creatives made the right decision that the part should be a woman and it's about time," she told BBC News. She added that those unhappy about Whittaker being the new Time Lord should "leave her alone and let her do her job brilliantly". 柯尔曼告诉英国播送公司新闻频谈:“创作主谈主员作念出了正确的决定,这个变装应该是别称女性,当今是工夫了。”她还称,那些不镇静惠特克饰演新的工夫领主的东谈主应该“别烦她,让她出色完成我方的使命”。

Whittaker starred as Beth Latimer in the three series of the ITV crime drama Broadchurch, as the mother of a murdered boy. 惠特克在英国寂寥电视台三季犯警剧《小镇疑团》中饰演一个女儿被谋杀的母亲,贝丝•拉提好意思尔。

As well as TV work, Whittaker has appeared on the big screen, in One Day, Attack the Block and St Trinian's. She made her film debut in 2006's Venus, opposite Peter O'Toole. 除了电视剧外,惠特克还参演过电影,作品包括《一天》、《街区大战》以及《乌龙女校》。她的电影处女秀是2006年与彼得•奥图尔搭档的《绝路爱神》。

英文开头:BBC 翻译&裁剪:董静 审校:丹妮果肉系列